Discount Mixer Privacy Policy

General Provisions

Discount Mixer allows you to consent to our data practices described in this Privacy Policy. If you have concerns about how we handle data, please refrain from using our services.

Information Collection

Direct Information:

  • We collect your personal or business details when you install Discount Mixer or subscribe to our services. This might include names, phone numbers, addresses, email IDs, and information you deem necessary to share.
  • Your correspondence is stored primarily to serve you better and address your queries or concerns.
  • You might generate content to enhance your visitors' experience. Rest assured, this content remains within the confines of Discount Mixer and aids us in delivering top-notch service.

Automatic Collection:

  • Shop Data: Through Shopify, we access your shop settings, product details, order history (last 60 days before installing Discount Mixer), and storefront themes.
  • User Interaction: Device details, usage patterns, location (if shared), and browser types of you or your visitors might be collected. Additionally, we use cookies (with your consent) to enrich your experience with Discount Mixer.

Usage of Collected Data

We utilise the information primarily to:

  1. Streamline and process your transactions.
  2. Enhance the service's functionalities.
  3. Validate user identities to safeguard data.
  4. Update you on essential service changes.
  5. Identify and counter illicit activities.
  6. Present personalised content or features for you or your visitors.

We might generate non-personally identifiable statistics for public or commercial use. However, we never compromise individual privacy. Your data will not be sold or disclosed, barring legal obligations.

Data Security and Sharing

Your data's security is our priority. We adopt the latest technologies to ensure your data remains uncompromised. Nevertheless, no system is infallible; thus, we cannot guarantee absolute security.

Your data stays within Discount Mixer and won't be shared, except when:

  1. You grant explicit permission.
  2. Third-party vendors require data to assist us in serving you.
  3. Legal or regulatory norms demand disclosure.
  4. Internal processes necessitate limited data access.
  5. Non-personal data is shared for business insights.

Storage and Erasure

Your data resides safely within Discount Mixer for as long as you use our services. However, if you wish to erase your data, you can request it, and post verification, we'll comply within 30 days. If you discontinue our services without data erasure, your information might remain indefinitely.

Business Transitions

If Discount Mixer undergoes business transitions like mergers or acquisitions, your data remains protected and is transferred following this Privacy Policy.

Updates to this Policy

Changes might be made to this policy as and when necessary. It's advisable to review periodically. If you disagree with any changes, please terminate your account.

EU Data Rights

EU residents have specific rights under the GDPR. You can request access to your data, withdraw consent, or request data deletion. Moreover, you can restrict data access or deny data submission. Our commitment to data security is elaborated earlier in this policy. Before using cookies, we seek your explicit consent.

Your trust is invaluable to us. Please contact our support team for any concerns or queries regarding this policy.

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